Every name carries a story, a history, and a meaning that often goes beyond the surface. My name, Afiyah, is no different—it’s a name that embodies my journey, my faith, and my purpose.
Growing up, I was always drawn to spirituality and the deeper meanings of life. I've found myself exploring all types of practaces such as, christainity, buddisim, atheism, meditation, yoga, and Islam. As I explored various spiritual paths, I found myself particularly captivated by the essence of peace, wellness, and protection that is often spoken about in the Islamic tradition. I was first introduced to the idea of having an islamic name when I first went shopping for abayas to attend Ju'mah. One of the sisters in the shop asked me, "Do you have your name yet?" Since I was confused, I asked inquired more, the sister then explianed to me that my name will come to me naturaly. The very next day, I sarted hearing a very faint whisper after prayers. The faint whispring lead me to believe the name needed to have some ajustment. Fast forward to my solo trip to UAE the summer of the 2023rd Gregorian calendar year, I had a converation with my uncle, Uncle Daoud, which led me to my name.
He explained, in Islam, Afiyah is a beautiful word that encompasses all aspects of well-being—physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional. It’s a prayer asking for protection from all harm and a wish for holistic wellness. The more Uncle Daoud went on to explain the meaning of Afiyah, the more I felt it aligned with my purpose and the work I was called to do in this world.

When I decided to embrace this name, it wasn’t just a change of identity; it was a declaration of my commitment to living a life that embodies the principles of holistic wellness and peace. Afiyah became a symbol of my journey—one of healing, growth, and transformation, not just for myself, but for the community I serve.

Adopting the name Afiyah was a profound moment in my life, marking a turning point where I fully embraced my role as a guide and healer. Through Afiyah Thee Alchemist, I strive to live up to the name by helping others find their own path to wellness and peace.
To me, Afiyah is more than a name—it’s a mission, a calling, and a constant reminder to live with intention, compassion, and purpose.
All we can do trive to do our best. Yesterday I did my best. Today I do my best. Tomorrow I will do my best, too.
I am Afiyah. You are Afiyah. We are Afiyah.
Let's ascend together!